Cosmosi, l’univers ESCI-UPF

Un any més, ESCI-UPF aposta per plasmar el curs acadèmic a través de la veu d’artistes plàstics que s’inspiren en la universitat per crear una estampa institucional. Enguany, l’artista encarregada de representar el curs 2022-2023 ha estat l’escocesa Jo Milne.

Jean Monnet

EUKIT, a pause in our journey

The Jean Monnet Module “Knowledge and Innovation for EU Trade Challenges” (EUKIT), concluded its three-year execution period at ESCI-UPF. It has been exciting and enriching for all participants, enabling our institution to contribute to ongoing discussions about the EU's trade policy in these times of significant turbulence and uncertainty.

Humane Annual Conference

ESCI-UPF Hosts the HUMANE-EUA Annual Conference

As a proof to its commitment to higher education and societal transformation, ESCI-UPF is delighted to host the HUMANE Annual Conference 2023. This year, the event is taking place for the first time in partnership with the European University Association (EUA), and it is entitled "Leading Together: Academic Leaders and Professional Service Leaders Addressing Global Societal Challenges."