15 Results

Learning in class with Wallerstein (2)

By means of World-Systems Analysis, we explain Brexit as another expression of a broader anti-establishment movement, a challenge the British elites have finally managed to tame. Blaming false enemies, openly lying to voters, or calling a dividing plebiscite are some of the mechanisms that these elites have used to protect their privileged status quo, in a push to restore order and capitalism.

Wallerstein Brexit

Learning in class with Wallerstein (1)

According to Wallerstein, understanding this rapidly shifting world—and such complicated processes like Brexit—is the first task we need to perform to make informed ethical decisions and choose the best available options. Otherwise, anxiety, fear, and pessimism will stop us from acting the right way in the construction of the post-COVID-19 globalization model that will replace our exhausted one.

Brexit política migratoria

Brexit, una nueva política migratoria

El gobierno británico anunció las líneas maestras de la nueva política migratoria post-Brexit que se aplicará a partir del 1 de enero de 2021. Este nuevo sistema supone una liberalización de los requisitos de acceso para los inmigrantes extracomunitarios, pero impone restricciones a los flujos migratorios procedentes de la UE al terminar con la libertad de circulación, trabajo y residencia.

Brexit Globalization

The Brexit at the Globalization Crossroads

According to Immanuel Wallerstein (1930-2019), our times are an era of transition towards a new global system which is not yet fully defined. It is around this vagueness that the globalization crossroads stands. Since the new model will be the outcome of human creativity and interaction, we are the ones who must decide what turn globalization will make at this point. The Brexit has been one step in this construction underway.

Europa en positiu

La representació de la Comissió Europea a Barcelona ha volgut fer balanç del que han estat aquests anys del mandat de Jean-Claude Juncker al capdavant d’aquesta institució comunitària. El resum seria el d’un optimisme contingut, fruit d’unes amenaces que la pròpia Comissió no defuig com a inevitables.