“Support someone far from its home is very rewarding”

Buddy Program 2022-2023
From left to right, Laura de Querol, Laura Munch, Aina Ruiz and Claudia Jimenez, four GNMI students that went to Reutlingen with the Erasmus program last year. This year, three of them have participated in the ESCI-UPF's Buddy Program. / Photo: Claudia Jimenez

Claudia Jiménez is a GNMI 4th-year student who has participated in ESCI-UPF’s Buddy Program with Chloé, a student from Brussels. After being part of the Buddy Program in Reutlingen last year, where she was doing an Erasmus, she decided to join the ESCI-UPF program.

I am delighted to have participated in the buddy program. Last year, I did my Erasmus in Reutlingen, Germany, and I was a student being hosted at ESB University. Having a buddy there truly helped me a lot, which is why I decided to join the ESCI-UPF Buddy Program.

To give support and companionship to someone far from their city and family is often needed yet very rewarding. At the same time, showing your city to someone who does not know it yet is excellent as it is possible to see again many places taken for granted but which are magical and unique. You get to see the city from another point of view while sharing your favourite spots and recommendations.

Chloé, the exchange student I got assigned in the Buddy program, is from Brussels and studies at the ICHEC Brussels Management University.

She would point out the city, the University installations, the classes, and the people she met as the highlight of her exchange and recommend ESCI-UPF to other students willing to study abroad.

Despite the enjoyable and enriching experience, finding affordable and suitable accommodation close to the University at the beginning was difficult and stressful. However, after recommending the best areas and some student dorms to her, we got to find a good place. We recommend that new exchange students search for accommodation with enough time in advance.

She stayed in Barcelona from September to December, and we got on well with each other since we met at the introduction weekend, where we had the opportunity to meet other students while showing them around the city and the University.

After this first meeting, I saw Chloé and other exchange students many times around the cafeteria, with whom I had the opportunity to share moments, some class notes, and challenging  University projects too.

The Buddy program has been a way to get immersed into multiculturalism while staying in  Barcelona, and it has also been very gratifying to help other students. Without a doubt, I would recommend this experience.

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