Dr Pere Fullana, Director of the ESCI-UPF UNESCO Chair in Life Cycle and Climate Change, has been interviewed at The Weekly Mag. He shared his impressions about the climate emergency and explained what is the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) methodology and the circular economy model.
As Pere Fullana explained, one of the first things we can do to fight climate change is take consciousness about the problem, try to rethink everything we have learned and change our daily habits. Changing the way we live and consume can impact the way products and services are produced. The Director of the ESCI-UPF UNESCO Chair said that nowadays we have enough knowledge and information to start mitigating climate change, but what we need to do is to transform this knowledge into activism. In Pere Fullana’s own words, “it is never too late to act”.
Later on, Pere Fullana explained that Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) takes into account all life cycle stages and all its different impacts that a product or service has during all its life, from its production to its waste management. On the other hand, he spoke about the circular economy model. This model tries to rethink the products and services in a way that they can keep within the economy: the main objective is trying not to need matter and energy from the outside economic circle. Furthermore, Fullana said that as far as the classic 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle) continue to be valid, the R from “reject” and “rethink” are even decisive in waste management.
At the end of the interview, the Director of the ESCI-UPF UNESCO Chair pointed out the importance of facing one of the biggest crises of our times: not the pandemic but the climate emergency. In his opinion, sooner than later people are going to lead this “green revolution” by changing their habits.
The UNESCO Chair in Life Cycle and Climate Change at ESCI-UPF has published a paper on the new nutritional quality model they have developed based on the life cycle assessment to evaluate the environmental performance of protein sources.
Cristina Campos, researcher at the UNESCO Chair in Life Cycle and Climate Change at ESCI-UPF, comments on the results of the presentation and the CICEP research project, as well as her experience at the 19th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES).
Cristina Campos, researcher at the UNESCO Chair in Life Cycle and Climate Change at ESCI-UPF, shares the results of the project presented by Dr. Alba Bala at the 14th International Conference LCAFood 2024, held last month in Barcelona.
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