La Cátedra UNESCO de Ciclo de Vida y Cambio Climático ESCI-UPF participa en el informe sobre el progreso realizado en la implementación de la Nueva Agenda Urbana y la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible publicado por UN-Habitat.
The report presents the work of UN-Habitat, the United Nations (UN) programme working towards a better urban future, as a focal point and custodian of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11: “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.” It also includes the efforts of the UN system, the international community, and the Member States in the implementation, follow up and review of the New Urban Agenda and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Through the UNI network, UN-Habitat’s main mechanism for partnerships with the global academia and researchers, 37 partner universities have shared their contributions to inform the report, including the Chair. In the framework of a shared vision for a better and more sustainable future, represented by the New Urban Agenda, the Chair has highlighted the need for working on an agreed method on how to measure cities’ environmental impacts.
“If well-planned and well-managed, urbanization can be a powerful tool for sustainable development for both developing and developed countries,” according to the New Urban Agenda. To that end, the Chair has identified the life cycle assessment as a good candidate for being adapted to cities to assess their contributions to sustainable development.
UNI partners for cooperation
The UNESCO Chair in Life Cycle and Climate Change ESCI-UPF is an institutional partner of UNI, the partnership between UN-Habitat and universities worldwide. Introduced as a means of promoting cooperation with institutions of higher education and facilitating exchange and cooperation among universities globally, UNI promotes universities becoming closer partners of cities. It is also actively engaged in problem-solving, thus closing the gap between academia and practice and encouraging collaborative learning, and also promotes and facilitates the dissemination of educational and research products of its members.
UNI also involves scholars, researchers, and students in many different activities, within a collaborative framework that aspires to create the next generation of urban leaders, managers, researchers, and practitioners.
The UNESCO Chair in Life Cycle and Climate Change at ESCI-UPF researcher, Ilija Sazdovski, participated in the Energy Community Summer School with a group work session on sustainability and energy planning.
Cristina Campos, investigadora de la Cátedra UNESCO de Ciclo de Vida y Cambio Climático de ESCI-UPF, ha participado en los cursos de verano de la Universidad de Cantabria (UC) en una ponencia en la que abordó el turismo rural desde una perspectiva ambiental y presentó el proyecto GREENTOUR.
The UNESCO Chair in Life Cycle and Climate Change at ESCI-UPF joins forces with the Catalan Institute of Health and ISGlobal on the CATALYSE Project to help mitigate the effects of climate change at the Catalan Health System.
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