What to Expect from Poland’s Council of the EU Presidency

Poland Presidency of the Council of the EU
Monika Krzepkowska, ambassador of the Republic of Poland in Spain, during her presentation in Barcelona last week. / Photo: Representation of the European Commission in Barcelona

Fourth-year student Jan Fernández writes about Poland’s vision for its presidency of the Council of the European Union and the main challenges it will face.

Last week I attended a presentation at the headquarters of the European institutions in Barcelona. The keynote speaker was Monika Krzepkowska, ambassador of the Republic of Poland in Spain, who provided valuable insights into Poland’s priorities during its presidency of the Council of the European Union. Alongside her, other experts shared their perspectives on the challenges and opportunities facing the EU during this period.

But first… What is the Council of the European Union?

The Council of the European Union, often referred to as the Council of Ministers, is one of the EU’s main legislative bodies. Unlike the European Parliament, which represents EU citizens, the Council represents the governments of the member states. The presidency of the Council rotates among EU member states every six months. This role is critical as it allows the presiding country to set the agenda and push forward strategic priorities that benefit the entire union.

From laws that shape trade and migration to policies that address energy and climate, the Council’s decisions directly influence millions of lives across the EU. For this reason, the rotating presidency is much more than a symbolic position: it’s an opportunity for each member state to influence the EU’s direction.

Poland’s Presidency Motto: “Security, Europe!”

Amid ongoing challenges such as the war in Ukraine, an energy crisis, and economic uncertainties, Poland’s presidency of the Council of the European Union operates under the motto “Security, Europe!”, focusing on a vision for a more secure, united, and democratic Europe.

Monika Krzepkowska, ambassador of the Republic of Poland in Spain, highlighted these priorities during the session. From the EU’s coordinated support for Ukraine amid the Russian invasion to the successful management of COVID-19 vaccines and the Next Generation EU recovery funds, Poland seeks to build on these achievements to create what it calls a “new Europe.” This vision is closely aligned with the sentiment expressed by Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, who described the EU as «the most successful peace project in history.»

A Focus on the Seven Dimensions of Security

Poland’s presidency priorities are structured around seven interconnected dimensions of security.

External security takes the center stage, as Poland makes a strong emphasis on the need to increase the EU’s defense spending, framing it not as an expense but as an investment. Efforts to introduce additional sanctions on Russia and Belarus align with its broader goal to counter anti-European government movements, particularly in regions like Georgia, and to maintain the momentum of EU enlargement for countries such as Ukraine and Moldova.

In terms of internal security, with ongoing migration pressures and global instability, Poland prioritizes tackling illegal migration, enhancing border protection, and strengthening the EU’s partnerships with NATO, China, the UK, and other international players to foster stability and prevent escalations in the Middle East, while providing humanitarian assistance as necessary.

Informational security is another concern. In an era where disinformation threatens democratic institutions, Poland’s presidency emphasizes improving cybersecurity and protecting citizens from digital threats.

Economic security is equally critical, with Poland advocating for a declaration of intent to strengthen and prepare the EU economy for future challenges by fostering the single market, with a particular focus on services and industry, and improving access to capital for businesses, especially those innovating in technology and other forward-looking sectors. By fostering a robust single market and improving access to investment capital, Poland aims to position the EU as a global economic leader.

Energy security is another key pillar of the presidency’s agenda. Poland is determined to achieve total independence from Russian energy sources, seeking to address the high costs that have burdened European households and businesses, while also addressing environmental sustainability.

Food security plays a vital role in this framework as well. Poland has proposed strengthening the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy, making it more robust and supportive of member states, to ensure a secure and sustainable food supply amid climate challenges and global supply chain disruptions.

Lastly, health security is a significant focus, with the presidency aiming to reduce the EU’s dependence on external sources for medicine. Additionally, Poland is addressing the growing concern of mental health challenges among children and teenagers in the digital era, emphasizing the need for a more holistic approach to health within the EU.

What now?

With over 70% of Polish citizens identifying as euro enthusiasts, Poland aims to inspire the EU to uphold three fundamental values: liberty, sovereignty, and cultural identity. This counters professor Joan Pere Plaza’s 2021 article stating that 53,1% of Polish people had a “very positive image” of the EU, having increased these past 4 years probably due to the fact that Poland has been, since its entry in 2004, one of the main beneficiaries of the EU’s structural and investment funds.

Taking into account recent events such as the re-election as president of Belarus of Putin’s ally Lukashenko (let’s remember Poland shares borders with Russia and Belarus), or the recent fragility of international alliances, this presidency could bolster Europe’s autonomy and cover the urgent need for a more cohesive Europe.

While acknowledging the ambitious nature of these goals, Poland maintains that they are both realistic and necessary. As expressed during the session: “An egoistic EU makes us weak. We stand for the opposite.”

If Poland can bring EU member states together to plan for the future and speak with one voice on important issues, the EU may not only survive current global challenges but emerge as a stronger, more influential actor in the global arena.

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